domingo, 30 de maio de 2010

CB - Dezinho (2008)

Player Name: Dezinho
Name Call: --
Name on Strip: DEZINHO
Number: #

Basic Settings
Age: 30 (06/10/1978)
Stronger Foot: R
Injury: A
Style of Dribble: 1
Free Kick Type: 1
Penalty Kick 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Goal Celebration 1: --
Goal Celebration 2: --
Growth Type: Standard

CB* - Both Side


Build Face (by PES-Legend)

Brows: 1/-1/0/0
Eyes: 22/0/-2/-3/+1/1/Black 2
Nose: 3/0/+3
Cheeks: 1/0
Mouth: 3/+1/0
Jaw: 2/-1/-2

Type: Buzz Cut 1/4/-/3
Colour: 9

Facial Hair
Type: 88
Colour: 10

Height: 1.93
Weight: 84
Body Type: 5

Boots: ##

Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Shirts: NO
Sleeves: Auto
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO

Ability(by PES-Legend)
54 78 81 78 73 70 78 69 69 65 61 71 70 65
56 76 66 65 66 78 78 66 75 65 50 65 4 5 4

Special ability

Numeração Fixa 2010

1 - Diego
2 - Oziel
3 - Fabrício
4 - Erivélton
5 - Michel
6 - Vicente
7 - Camilo
8 - João Marcos
9 - Washington
10 - Geraldo
12 - Adilson
13 - Clodoaldo
14 - Anderson
17 - Heleno
19 - Careca
20 - Luizinho
21 - Misael
22 - Michel Alves
23 - Ernandes
25 - Javier Reina
27 - Diego Sacoman
29 - Jean Carlos
31 - Tony
32 - Dionantan
33 - Junior Cearense
34 - Evérton Kempes
36 - W. Amorim
38 - Pablo
39 - M. Pimentel
40 - Eusébio
41 - Boiadeiro
42 - Vandinho
47 - Arlindo Maracanã
96 - Magno Alves
99 - Marcelo Nicácio

quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

CF - Washington

Player Name: Washington
Name Call: ##
Name on Strip: WASHINGTON
Number: --

Basic Settings
Age: 31 (23/08/1978)
Stronger Foot: L
Injury: A
Style of Dribble: 1
Free Kick Type: 1
Penalty Kick 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Goal Celebration 1: --
Goal Celebration 2: --
Growth Type: Standard

CF* - Both Sides


Build Face (by We Edit - Futebol Goiano)

Brows: 2/0/0/+3
Eyes: 7/-1/-3/+1/+3/1/Black 2
Nose: 3/+1/+2
Cheeks: 1/+2
Mouth: 19/+1/0
Jaw: 1/-1/0

Hair: Buzz Cut - 1/1/3
Color: Pattern 9

Facial Hair
Type: No
Colour: --

Height: 187
Weight: 75
Body Type: 3

Boots: --

Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Shirts: NO
Sleeves: Auto
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO

88 50 88 89 87 85 88 85 83 85 84 80 82 80
81 81 84 60 70 85 88 80 76 67 50 82 6 5 5

Special Ability

LB - Eusébio

Player Name: Eusébio
Name Call: ##
Name on Strip: EUSEBIO
Number: --

Basic Settings
Age: 24 (22/09/1985)
Stronger Foot: L
Injury: A
Style of Dribble: 1
Free Kick Type: 1
Penalty Kick 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Goal Celebration 1: --
Goal Celebration 2: --
Growth Type: Standard

SB*/SMF/WB/DMF - Left Side


Build Face

Brows: 12/0/+1/-2
Eyes: 7/-1/-1/+1/+2/1/Black 1
Nose: 3/+3/+1
Cheeks: 2/+2
Mouth: 20/+1/+1
Jaw: 6/+1/0

Hair: Very Short 1 - 2/2
Colour: Pattern 9

Facial Hair
Type: 100
Colour: 8

Height: 168
Weight: 63
Body Type: 3

Boots: --

Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Shirts: NO
Sleeves: Auto
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO

71 68 74 80 82 84 74 79 75 77 78 78 75 80
74 74 75 70 70 65 72 77 72 68 50 80 5 4 5

Special Ability

GK - Gian Lucas

Player Name: Gian Lucas
Name Call: ##
Name on Strip: GIAN LUCAS
Number: --

Basic Settings
Age: 16 (31/08/1993)
Stronger Foot: R
Injury: A
Style of Dribble: 1
Free Kick Type: 1
Penalty Kick 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Goal Celebration 1: --
Goal Celebration 2: --
Growth Type: Standard

GK - Both Sides


Build Face
Em Breve...

Height: 180
Weight: 65
Body Type: 3

Boots: --

Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Shirts: NO
Sleeves: Auto
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO

30 75 77 60 65 65 78 72 53 52 55 54 50 61
40 76 45 43 45 45 75 53 60 65 76 64 4 4 4

Special Ability

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

RB - Marcos Pimentel

Player Name: Marcos Pimentel
Name Call: ##
Name on Strip: M. Pimentel
Number: --

Basic Settings
Age: 26 (26/08/1983)
Stronger Foot: R
Injury: B
Style of Dribble: 1
Free Kick Type: 1
Penalty Kick 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Goal Celebration 1: --
Goal Celebration 2: --
Growth Type: Standard

SB*/SMF/WB - Right Side


Build Face (by WE Creator)

Brows: 11/-2/+1/+3
Eyes: 4/-1/0/-1/+1/1/Black 1(Preto 1)
Mouth: 14/-1/0
Jaw: 1/-3/+3

Hair: Buzz Cut - 4/1/1
Color: Pattern 8

Facial Hair
Type: 33
Colour: Same as Hair

Height: 170
Weight: 58
Body Type: 3

Boots: --

Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Shirts: NO
Sleeves: Auto
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO

77 69 74 84 82 85 79 83 78 84 75 77 76 76
70 80 78 74 72 75 75 78 82 78 50 76 6 4 6

Special Ability
Side / Sliding

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

RB - Oziel

Player Name: Oziel
Name Call: ##
Name on Strip: OZIEL
Number: --

Basic Settings
Age: 25 (10/08/1984)
Stronger Foot: R
Injury: A
Style of Dribble: 2
Free Kick Type: 1
Penalty Kick 3
Drop Kick Style: 1
Goal Celebration 1: --
Goal Celebration 2: --
Growth Type: Standard

SB*/WB - Right Side


Build Face (by PES Edit)

Brows: 21/0/-3/-2
Eyes: 30/+1/+1/0/+1/2/Black 1
Nose: 8/-3/+2
Cheeks: 3/+1
Mouth: 18/+2/0
Jaw: 2/0/0

Hair: Buzz Cut - 1/1/2
Colour: Pattern 8

Facial Hair
Type: NO
Colour: --

Height: 169
Weight: 68
Body Type: 3

Boots: --

Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Shirts: Always Untucked
Sleeves: Auto
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: YES

78 71 78 85 81 82 77 81 81 80 79 76 82 78
73 76 81 70 80 70 77 82 73 72 50 81 5 5 5

Special Ability
Long Throw/Dribbling